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Fretboard Settings Help Page


Welcome to the Fretboard Settings page! Here, you can customize the appearance and layout of your fretboard using various configuration options. This guide will walk you through the available settings and how to use them effectively.

Accessing Fretboard Settings

To access the Fretboard Settings, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Fretboard Settings button.
  2. A modal window will appear, displaying all available configurations.

Configuration Options

Number of Strings

  • Choices: 4, 5, 6, or 7 strings
  • Purpose: Select the desired number of strings to be displayed on your fretboard.

Start and End Fret

  • Start Fret: Choose the starting fret for your fretboard.
  • End Fret: Select the ending fret. By default, it is set to the 23rd fret.

Display Mode

  • Portrait Mode: Suitable for mobile devices with a narrower width.
  • Landscape Mode: Provides a wider display area.

Marker Position

  • On Top of Fret: Position the marker on top of the fret.
  • Centered Within Fret: Center the marker within the fret.

Color Settings

  • Fretboard Background: Choose a color for the fretboard background.
  • Fretboard Foreground: Select a color for the frets.
  • Nut Color: Customize the color of the nut.
  • Marker Color: Set the color for the markers on the fretboard.

Applying Settings

  1. Adjust the desired settings as per your preference.
  2. Click the Save button to apply the changes.
  3. The fretboard will update according to the selected configurations.


For demonstration purposes, let's consider changing the number of strings to 5 and switching between portrait and landscape modes. After saving the settings, you can observe the changes reflected on the fretboard.


The Fretboard Settings page offers a range of customization options to tailor the fretboard display according to your preferences. Experiment with different configurations to create a fretboard layout that suits your needs.